When it comes to remediation services, checks and balances are critical. The professional opinion of an outside expert to verify and validate the effectiveness of our work makes us your trusted source for property damage remediation. When we are dealing with restoration cases like mold, asbestos, and biohazard cleanup, Watermark Restoration Solutions leans to independent industrial hygienists to provide a written protocol for remediation based on the principles of the IICRC S520. The hygienist will also provide certified proof of a moldy-free environment, which protects all materially interested parties in the process.
The Importance of an Industrial Hygienist
When you are sick, your first instinct isn’t to present a list of medications to a pharmacist, it’s to obtain the professional opinion of a doctor to verify your illness. At Watermark Restoration Solutions, we obtain the professional opinion of an independent industrial hygienist for a multitude of reasons, such as:
Prescribing protocols
Testing the air quality
Checking materials for moisture, mold, asbestos, and more
Observing humidity levels
Checking the overall condition of the job site
Verifying the adequacy of containment
And more
Restoring the health and safety of your property following an emergency is our top priority. When it comes to property damage remediation, Watermark Restoration Solutions ensures all hands are on deck. To learn more about industrial hygienists, contact us today. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.